e-Learning Courses The Australian Sailing myLearning portal has a catalogue of free and useful online courses created by Australian Sailing and Play By The Rules that could benefit clubs, members, volunteers, administrators and instructors. Click…
e-learning Courses - Australian Sailing
SheSails Workshop - Start Lines & Courses
Activities @ Home - Concerts - Tours- Education
Home Entertainment Activities, Shows, Fitness and More FITNESS & HEALTH – NSW Sports, Get Active at HomeAt the Office of Sport we remain committed to our mission of building active communities across New South Wales.…
Activities @ Home - Sailing Seminars - Training - Education
Have A GO... Online Sail Training Activities SERVICING YOUR WINCHESWith the Olympics almost over its time to get back to the boat job list.For those within 10kms of the club and able to safely social…
Dropping your spinnaker when sailing offshore or in heavy weather
The letterbox takedown is the safest spinnaker drop when sailing offshore or in heavy seas. By taking a spinnaker down over the boom and below the foot of the main, the spinnaker is controlled and…
Lockdown Learning - Sail Training SIM
2Sail Sailing Simulator is breaking barriers in levels of complexity and learning about sailing faster.Mastering:tidal effects ormainsail twist (mainsheet / vang / backstay) orusing body weight effectively2Sail has“step by step” learning mode to access 30+…