C/o Tom Vincent Media
Author: Media RPAYC
Etchells NSW Championship Day 1
Etchells NSW Championship 2021, Day 1 didn't see the Palm Beach Circle working as the primary race track for the day....Posted by Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC on Friday, February 19, 2021
FAQs RPAYC Photo Gallery Shop
This website is provided for the benefit of Members and their guests at The RPAYC. Photos are free to download and we endeavour to capture as many photos as possible of Club events. If there…
Superyacht joins growing list of entries for the 36th Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race
MEDIA RELEASE 16 February, 2021Race Start: 1300hrs, Friday 26th March, 2021Entries are flowing in fast for the 36th running of the East Coast classic race. Originally starting the day after the Rolex Sydney to Hobart…
Club Marine Bluewater Pointscore Series - Race 4
Race 4 of the Club Marine Bluewater Pointscore Series, Pittwater – Bird Island – Sydney and return commences 1000hrs Saturday 20 February with a mix of monohulls and multihulls to line up on the start…
Etchells NSW State Championship 2020/21
International Etchells 2020-2021 – New South Wales State Championship 17th ~ 21st February 2021 Etchells NSW State Championship 2020/21 There are 25 competitors entered for this weeks NSW Championship commencing on Friday at 1000hrs with…