Description of works: Car Park MaintenanceDate: all day, Monday 19th April 2021Areas affectedMiddle car park; no parking positions on the western edge as signposted.Centreboard racks and lift; access restrictions in stages affecting southern side laser…
Maintenance Notice and temporary access changes
RPAYC Recreational Moorings
One of many benefits of Membership at RPAYC is use of the Club’s 14 recreational moorings, which are located in convenient and picturesque locations including Coasters Retreat, America and Refuge Bays. These moorings can be…
General Managers Message 31.3.21
Dear MembersI hope that you are well.Earlier in the year QR Codes were introduced by Service NSW when signing in to various businesses. Clubs were also required to maintain the register required as part of…
Happy Easter - RPAYC Trading Hours
Wishing all RPAYC Members and their families a very happy & safe Easter. Halyards Bistro & Bar will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner Easter Saturday to Easter Monday (closed Good Friday) so please drop…
Extra Thursday Twilight - Thursday 25 March
To make up for the race loss of the Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race and celebrate the end of the rain, RPAYC will run a free and impromptu Twilight Race on Pittwater Thursday…
Pittwater Rendezvous for Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club
Pittwater Rendezvous for Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club – 14 May and Bobbin Head BBQ – 16 MayThe Shag Island Cruising Yacht Club has extended it’s annual Season of Sail to include a Sydney Rendezvous…