About The Race HOW DID IT START Realsail team was a big fan of the Golden Globe Race and they dreamed to building a game to follow the same spirit as the race. Don gave…
Virtual Goldens Globe Race - Compete against skippers from all around the world
Sailor Safety Forum
This year’s Sailors Safety Forum will be run in two parts. Part 1 will be safety related and see a presentation from NSW Transport and RPAYC on safety items applicable to all sailors.Part 2 will…
Mooring Lines
Recent winds means mooring lines are working really hard and we’re happy to report that most lines securing vessels across the marina are in good or excellent condition. There are a handful of lines identified…
Selden for Sailing Centreboard Winter Series Final Results
Series results "winners" The Club congratulates all competitors that participated in the 2021 Selden for Sailing Centreboard Winter Series.Thank you to Selden for Sailing for their continued support of the series.Selden for Sailing will be providing prizes for…
General Manager’s Message – 4 August 2021
Dear MembersI hope that you are keeping safe and well.Whilst the COVID-19 restrictions continue to evolve, it is important to apply common sense and act responsibly. Under the current Public Health Orders members are reminded…
Ahoy from Afar - Waterfront Department
The Waterfront team wishes to assure Members with boats on the marina, Club moorings and across Club facilities, that during the lockdown we have been undertaking our ‘Boat Check Service’. As the restrictions will be…