Enjoy the Long Weekend down at the Club Tender Service8am – 5pmReception8am – 5pmFood and BeverageSaturday 11 June: Bistro 8am – 8pm (Bar 8pm trade dependant)Sunday 12 June: Bistro 8am – 4pm (Bar 5pm)Monday 13…
Queens Birthday Opening Hours
Meet our 2022 Youth Development Squad Members
Intermediate Youth Development Squad 2022 Albie BrownCaleb CooperEliott VerhaegheFife CrawfordHarry BrowneHayley FisherIndia Wells-ListerCoachesNiall PowersJuliet Costanzo Jordan SouterLouis TillyOliver MannRose CooksonStirling StewartWalter TuiteWilliam HoughWilliam Troop Youth Development Squad 2022 Charlie VerityD’Arcy KempDaniel KempHannah McCutcheonHugo ButterworthJoshua PaulsonCoachRob…
New Club Equipment Auditor Course - eLearning
Australian Sailing (AS) is pleased to announce that the new Club Equipment Auditor (CEA) course is now live online and available to AS members.The course is aimed at accrediting club volunteers to provide a free…
Boatyard Members Report
In November 2021 RPAYC’s Board engaged consultant, Brett McMullen, to provide a detailed review of the Boatyard’s operations. As part of this process a report was requested which noted the areas of improvement and suggested…
Works Notice - access restriction to ring road
ASBA Sports Boat Nationals in Port Stephens
Stu Innes, and new member Mac Gray, took Tickety Boo up to Port Stephens to compete in the ASBA Sports Boat Nationals. It was an awesome regatta of 11 races over 4 days. Another Alfred’s boat,…