A dramatic and compelling new ocean (and we mean ‘ocean’) racecourse has been shoe-horned into the start of next year’s busy Spring / Summer sailing season.The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club in Sydney’s Northern Beaches…
Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race scheduled for October 2023
Sydney to Auckland Virtual Ocean Race
The Sydney to Auckland Ocean Virtual Race has its first finishes. After 6 days at sea VRaid_TPN representing France has crossed the line to be the overall winner in 06d-20h-58m-36s. CONGRATULATIONSFirst Australian Yacht was thibautj…
Virtual Regatta, Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race January 30, 2021
MEDIA RELEASERoyal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Virtual Regatta team up for virtual Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race 2021Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, in conjunction with the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, have developed a…