“Stary Stary Night as two boats report how beautiful the night sky was!”
Boat Reports
“Last night the wind quite abruptly died!
A quick change to the zero kept us moving in a very unstable airflow. After dawn we hoisted the A3 and are started enjoying the downwind sailing in a steady SSW 10knots with bacon and egg sandwiches for breakfast!”.
“I’d really like to thank my family for the help and support to get us ready for the race. We are thrilled to be out here and loving every minute of it – we could not have done it without all your help” – James Irvine

Todays update from Frantic reports that there are a few tired bodies onboard. The wind proved a bit tricky when trying to set the FRO and the constantly shifting breeze has kept them on their toes.
Seems all crew have cleared their sea sickness and are tucking into the freeze dried (said to be “not bad”) and the banter and jokes are flying around. They are now hoping for the wind to swing more westerly so that they can set a kite.
Mick Martin on the phone at 1215, they are going along nicely and have licked up a few miles on Antipodes and are hoping to make up more. Thet are working very hard to stay ahead of the high pressure but it is looking like it will catch them up.

“Has so far involved five sail changes as we try to work through a flukey transition zone into consistent breeze. Last night was totally worth the price of admission as we ghosted along under the most spectacular star-jewelled sky we unanimously agreed we had ever seen. Keeping with our Italian theme a satisfying lasagne was consumed with an accompanying red around Painkiller’s polished teak saloon table. This morning our mastman Will decided to cool off in the 300 metre deep glassed-out Tasman Sea swimming pool but his dip was cut short when one of the finned patrolling locals arrived to investigate. We are tweaking the sails to try and close the gap to the rest of the fleet that were far enough ahead to avoid the hole we are currently in. But we also have a line out in case another potential dinner course presents itself. Hi to everyone following the race, which has already proved hugely enjoyable”.

“The high was a bit late to arrive yesterday afternoon and early evening we sailed in the S to SE weakening winds that were slowly turning to the right. Most of the night was a festival of random gyrations of wind direction. Once the high pressure got over us we played its suite of rotating puffs.
We were lucky that the 2 knot current was pushing us in the right direction giving us a semblance of performance.
The splendid starry night was a view to behold.
The system is now moving north and we have just popped the A2 in a well established SW flow and we are on our way to the next waypoint before we start the turn to North Cape.
Spirits are good, we are rotating like clockwork and Intiy is humming under the bright blue sky.
” – Marc Depret.

Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race 2023
Event Website www.sydneytoauckland.com
Track the Fleet at https://yb.tl/S2AOR23
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