What a fantastic regatta for Sail Port Stephen’s 2021. Congratulations to all of the RPAYC yachts competing and a special mention to our podium place getters: IRC Div 2 and ORC Div 2 – Soozal…
Sail Port Stephens 2021
Support Club members in the SailGP Series
The SailGP is BACK! And Team Australia, with club members Jason Waterhouse and Nina Curtis on board, are preparing to defend their championship title.The SailGP, kicks off this week in Bermuda on the 24th and…
New Member Welcome
Have you joined the club in the last 12 months?We hope you will join us for happy hour drinks upstairs in the Edinburgh Bar on Friday, 28 April from 1800hrs.We look forward to welcoming you, introducing…
Bathroom & Laundry Access Changes
Access changes have been implemented to improve access to the ground floor bathrooms for Members and Club Guests.To ensure the Club remains COVID-19 safe and compliant, Members and Club Guests accessing facilities via Clubhouse during…
First Entries in for the new Two-Handed Division of the RPAYC Lion Island Series
RPAYC are excited to announce that the Lion Island Series running over four consecutive Saturday afternoons throughout May (8th – 29th May 2021) now includes a Two-Handed Division.Two-handed racing can be challenging, with maneuvers taking…
Sailfit Additional Classes
New Boxing ClassWe are super excited to have a new boxing class starting at SailFit next Thursday 29th April at 6.45am. The class is one hour and will be run by our awesome new Personal…