It’s BACK, our famous Sunday Dustbuster Series. The 2021 Sunday Dustbuster Series is here! Held monthly during May, June, July and August this early morning series is one for all One Design and Sports Boats. The…
Sunday Dustbuster Series
Mothers Day - Wine package Specials
For this week only, celebrate Mothers Day with a fantastic array of wine packages with a great drop available for every occasion.Order via Halyards Bistro or Reception.
Yachting Crew List Submissions: TopYacht / MemberPoint / RRS 46
Crew Lists are here to stay and the Australian Sailing deadline for membership as required by Rule 46 is fast approaching; as such the RPAYC Sailing Office is looking at means of providing a simple…
Halyards re-carpeted on Monday
Halyards re-carpeting On Monday 10 May Halyards will be getting re-carpeted as such access to Halyards Bistro and Bar will be as follows. •   Please Sign in at Reception as usual. •   Access the annex…