Class Training
Welcome to the Alfreds
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Dinghy Class Training
Training for development dinghy classes is offered to RPAYC members through the Alfred’s Discover Sailing Centre & Training Academy, and approved training partners.
The RPAYC Discover Sailing Centre & Training Academy provides training services to members up to the Junior Centreboard level. This training aims to develop confidence and boat handling skills for sailors to participate in club racing. Junior Centreboard Training supports the ‘Optimist’ dinghy for sailors who wish to sail single-handed, and the ‘Manly Junior’ for double-handed dinghy sailing.
Additional development training is offered to members through approved training partners for Optimists, 29ers, Waszps and Windsurfers.
To participate you will require your own boat, or you can apply to lease a club training boat for a short basis through our Halvorsen Lease Scheme. Contact our Sailing Office for more information about the ‘Halvo’ lease program.
Junior Centreboard Training
The RPAYC Junior Centreboard Training program is for participants who have completed the Tackers program, or equivalent club learn-to-sail programs, and are ready to advance their skills and knowledge with the support of club coaches. The Junior Centreboard Training program has two stages, beginning with the Junior Training Fleet and then Junior Centreboard Racing.
29er Skiff Training
Training Delivered by HM Sailing
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has partnered with HM Sailing to deliver a 29er centrered training offering for club members. Please contact HM Sailing for enquiries about joining training sessions.
Optimist 'Intermediate' & 'Open' Fleet Training
Training delivered by ‘Brewer Racing’
Intermediate Optimist training is the final step before joining the Open Fleet. The Intermediate stage; sailors will have experience of racing and learn and use racing strategies, as well as develop good boat speed. Most sailors will be racing regularly at club events and setting goals for interclub competitions.
Intermediate & Open Fleet training is offered by our partner Brewer Racing Pty Ltd.
Enquire with Rob Brewer at:
Class Association Training
The RPAYC Waszp and ILCA Classes are running some self-training sessions. These sessions are open to all members to participate in.