Centreboard FAQs | RPAYC | Sailing Club | NSW Australia

Centreboard FAQs

Welcome to Centreboard Racing

Interested in racing? Here is some general information to help you get started

When do you race?

All sail racing at club is advertised on the club on-line calendar rpayc.com.au/whats-on/. The club calendar can be sorted to show just centreboard events. The calendar also contains useful links to the race documents and results. Regularly check into the club calendar to keep up to date with racing and social activities.

Do I have to be a member of RPAYC to race?

Yes, it is a requirement to compete that you and your crew (if applicable) are members of the club. There are a range of membership options available. For more information please contact our Membership department at membership@rpayc.com.au for details or website https://rpayc.com.au/membership/.

How do I know when my races start and what course to sail?

Sail races are usually conducted to the Racing Rules of Sailing. All you need to know about a race are published in “Race Documents.”

The “Notice of Race” (“NoR”) tell you the dates that racing will take place, the classes of boats included, and the race fees.

The “Sailing Instructions” describe how the races will be managed, including

  • Times of briefings and the on-water racing start time (“first warning”).
  • Which boats are in which “division” and which flag is used to indicate their start.
  • Course to be sailed, the colours and positions of marks and how they should be rounded.
  • The flags and sounds which will be used to indicate the race start.

The SI’s also describe other for the race such as:

  • Time allowed to cross the start line, and to complete the race.
  • Scoring points awarded for racing. Sailors may be credited with racing points when performing club duties such as volunteering or when representing the club at CB sanctioned “out-of-club” events.
  • Scoring penalties applied for failing to comply with racing or safety requirements,
  • Procedures for protesting race conduct and procedures for review of scoring.
  • Procedures for communicating changes to racing both on and off-water.

The NoR and Sis can be found on the club website rpayc.com.au/sailing/centreboard. All sailors should familiarise themselves with these documents prior to racing.

How do I enter for the Series or Race?

Using our Online Entry Form (Series & Causal Entrants) which can be found via links in the Notice of Race, Club Calendar or with the CB Sailing links on the club website.

You have the option of a Series or Casual entry, if choosing a casual entry this will need to be completed by midnight on the Saturday before racing.

It is important the on-line registration has the correct sail number and contact details. Without the correct sail number, the TopYacht system cannot link results recorded on water to registered sailors. Double-handed boats must also ensure crew information is current. There are scoring penalties for racing with an incorrect sail number.

The TopYacht system is also used for communicating important and urgent race information to participants, including sign-on/sign-off prompts.

Can I enter causally for the series?

Yes you can, by using our Online Entry Form (Series & Causal Entrants).

Enter your information in the Centreboard Series Casuals section, this will need to be completed by midnight on the Saturday before racing.

The sailing office offer assistance where sailors have difficulty with the registration procedure.

What happens on a race day – what is “briefing?”

Briefing for all sailors is usually held on the Centreboard Lawn before racing begins. The “Race Officer” (RO) provides information on where the course will be laid, briefs volunteers on their responsibilities and generally lays out expectations for race management. In Summer this is usually 12:15pm and in Winter 8:00am, but check the Sail Instructions.

What happens on a race day – what is “sign-on?”

It is an important safety requirement for all sailors to register their intention to race by ‘signing-on’ before they launch and indicating their safe return ashore by ‘signing-off’. Sailors registered to race in the TopYacht system will be sent the link for electronic sign-on/sign-off before briefing. Sailors may also use the QR codes posted at the Jack Gale Centre to sign-on/sign-off.

When signing-on, sailors should check their details are correct, and that the sail number registered is the same as the sail number being used to race. You can sail with a different sail or with a different boat but you MUST update the on-line entry system so that sign-on and race results can be recorded. Sign-on is critical to safety management, it is very important that the race committee knows who is on the race course. There are scoring penalties for sailors who fail to “sign-on.”

What happens on a race day – what if I want to use a different sail or boat?

Sailors can sail with a different sail. You are not required to create a new entry each time you change your sail number, however you are required to update your entry prior to racing. Sailing with an incorrect sail number carries heavy scoring penalties as per the NoR and SI’s.

If you decide to change boats during the season you will need to create a new entry for the boat. If you have made a series entry, you will only be charged for the one entry for the series. Create your new entry here.

What happens on a race day – what is “sign-off?”

Sailors must “sign-off” to confirm their safe return to shore. To “sign-off” use the QR codes displayed at the Jack Gale Centre or the link provided by the club. Any sailor who does not complete racing for whatever reason, must notify a safety boat or committee boat of their intention to leave the racecourse, and sign-off when back on-shore.

It is reiterated that sign-on/sign-off is critical to safety management such that scoring penalties are applied to sailors who fail to sign-on or fail to sign-off within one hour of finishing or retiring from the last race of the day.

What happens after racing?

When the boats are packed up, all sailors are invited to socialise in Halyards where drinks and meals may be purchased. Some racing includes a Sausage Sizzle for race participants and volunteers of the day. Where possible, a presentation is made to celebrate the winners of the day.


How do I find out my results?

Results are posted on the club website which can be found via event link on the calendar or “results” links on the website. We try to get things right, but occasionally there may be mistakes in the recording or the publishing of results. If you think your result is incorrect, a Review of Results form can be submitted to the sailing office.

How can I store my boat at RPAYC?

Boat storage is organised through our Marina Waterfront team. Please contact our Marina Coordinator to organise racking for your Centreboard vessel kylie.brown@rpayc.com.au or visit the club website here.

I want to enter Centreboard racing but I don’t own my own boat. What can I do?

Luckily, the club owns a number of vessels that are able to be leased for training and racing purposes under the Carl Halvorsen Scheme. This includes Windsurfers, Fibreglass racing Optimists, Lasers and Flying Ants. For further information visit the website here or contact the Sail Training Administrator for details sailtraining@rpayc.com.au

I want to learn to sail or improve my racing, what training options are available?

Good question! Keep an eye out for information on the club website rpayc.com.au/ club communications such as Alfie’s News or join a class WhatsApp group.

How do I keep up to date with what’s happening in Centreboard?

The club communicates with its members though a number of means. Check out the following:

  • What’s On – the club calendar provides information and links to sailing and social events com.au/whats-on/
  • Alfred’s eNews is emailed to club members weekly and is also available online com.au/news/publications/ . Scroll through the newsletter and you will find Centreboard specific information as well as interesting articles, race reports and club news. To receive Alfie’s eNews subscribe here.
  • Centreboard news: To receive Centreboard News subscribe here. Past CB news is available here.
  • The sailing office additionally posts on Facebook:
  • Each Centreboard sailing division has a Class Representative. You can find them listed on the Meet the Committee page. Any member on the rigging lawn will be willing to provide a welcome and help any sailor to find their way to a Class Rep or CB committee member.
  • Centreboard committee Class Reps also host “WhatsApp” community groups. Ask on the centreboard lawn or contact the sail office to be connected to the Class Rep and the WhatsApp group for your division.
  • Volunteering is a great way to get involved and find out more about the club. You can find out more about ways you can participate here [link].

Any questions at all, the sailing office will be delighted to help you. Contact sailing@rpayc.com.au

9998 3700  Sailtraining@rpayc.com.au

See you on the water!