Cruising - Expression of Interest Form


Welcome To The Alfreds

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club

Cruising - Expression of Interest Form - CLARENCE RIVER

    Name of Cruise

    Your Full Name(*)

    Boat Name(*)

    Your membership number please. * Please enter 'non member' if you are not a member. (*)

    Email Address(*)

    Contact number (*)

    Please indicate your level of interest
    I am most definitely planning to come on the cruise

    Please indicate your level of interest
    I am interested in finding our more about the cruise and may consider coming

    Do you have a short comment?

    Please note in order to participate in the cruise you will need to have a current Green Book Safety Audit for Short Coastal Cruising. Details can be found here

    NOTE: This information will be forwarded to the event specific Cruise Coordinator.