The event began with 68 sailors and 9 coaches taking part in a three day coaching clinic, then the Teralba Amateur Sailing Club kicked into regatta mode with 173 sailors from 6 states and territories in 156 boats/boards from 11 classes moving in to fill up the boat park. The race committee got through 96 races over three days on four race areas.

This year three foiling classes were included with Waszps joining the 29ers on Alpha course. Wind and Wing foils had their own race track on Bravo course with the race management team providing a good mix of courses to challenge the sailors and give them some great competition.
Australian Sailing thanks host club Teralba Amateur Sailing Club for providing a welcoming and relaxed venue. The grassy banks of Cockle Bay were the perfect launching site and the club provided camping spots, catering and a family friendly atmosphere. Speers Point Amateur Sailing Club, Toronto Amateur Sailing Club and Wangi Amateur Sailing Club joined Teralba to run the race areas. A huge thank you goes to the Ninety volunteers who worked on and off water to make the event possible.

NSW/ACT GM Emma Humphries said “Once again Lake Macquarie has provided an incredible location for Youth Sail. We hope all the sailors and their families enjoyed sailing in one of the best places to sail in Australia. I also hope they made some new friends in the boat park and created some great memories”.