Youth Sailing Interclub Challenge – Round 3 at RPAYC Sunday 23 June

After all the rain on Saturday, it was a wonderful Winter’s Day over the Pittwater on Sunday 23 June as teams from RSYS, CYCA, NCYC and RPAYC contested Round 3 of the annual Interclub Challenge.

The shifting SW breeze ranging from 8-15 knots was tricky for teams and race officers. Boat of the day was skipper Craig Wright from CYCA winning 4 of the 6 races. In second place was skipper Isabelle Payne from RSYS closely followed by RPAYC’s Will Hough in third place.
Created in 2001, the Interclub Challenge is a fleet racing series contested by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club, Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club with each Club hosting a stage of the series. Each stage consists of up to two teams from each Club, participating in a maximum of six races at each venue.
A big thank you to our Race Committee led by RO Ted Anderson, D’Arcy Kemp who oversaw the day and assisted with repairs as well as our volunteer YD sailors assisting on the mark boat.
The final round, next Sunday, round 4 will be hosted at CYCA. Best of luck to all teams.