Work Notice - Painting - Green Point & Club House



Commencing from Monday 29 July, the Club’s painting contractors Programmed Property Services (PPS) will be on site to clean both buildings, fully repaint the Green Point Building and undertake touch up painting to the Clubhouse. Its anticipated works on both buildings will take approx. 3 weeks, weather permitting.

Green Point Building will be repainted. We anticipate minor interruptions affecting walkways, workshops and offices. Contractor access will be required around the perimeter, including the hardstand and when required, boats parked closest to the building will be moved by Club staff to facilitate access.

Ahead of and during works the Club kindly requests Members and tenants to ensure common areas and walkways remain clear of equipment, trolleys, masts etc. For your safety and to ensure works are completed in a timely manner please observe any signage relating to pedestrian access and parking restrictions.

The PPS team are familiar with our operations and will work to minimise disruptions.


Commencing Monday 29 July, contractors will be on site for roofing works on the upper antenna platform of the Clubhouse. The work is expected to be completed by Friday 9 August, weather permitting.

For your safety and to facilitate access for contractors to complete works in a timely manner, there will be access and parking changes affecting the area at the back of the Clubhouse, which includes the fire stairs.

Access & Parking Restrictions are effective only between Monday to Friday, from 8am to 4pm
•    No Parking: at the rear of the Clubhouse, parking bays located near A-arm gangway
•    Gym Access: The rear fire door will be inaccessible during works hours. Please use the main entrance through Reception for gym access.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during works.