The McKensey Family sail into Pantaenius Thursday Twilights

The McKensey Family sail into Pantaenius Thursday Twilights

Susie McKensey recently approached our sailing office with a request to lease a club Elliott and sail in the Thursday Twilight as casual entrants, with her husband Mike and their two kids Jessica and James. Here is a brief insight into how their evening of sailing turned out.

We had a great time. It was a little wild at times with some lightning and rain, but we were fine [and] the sunset at the end was magic.

What was the best thing about sailing in RPAYC Thursday Twilights?
Stepping onto an Elliott was ideal for our family of 4 – enough space and jobs to keep everyone interested, and easy to handle with minimal stress. For me personally, I was able to put into practice what I’d learned in the Adult Keelboat course, and the kids could use the skills they’re learning in Tackers. We had some spectacular weather, with a thunderstorm coming across mid-race, and ending with the most beautiful sunset and rainbow. It was very special.

Did you come back to the club for dinner and presentation?
We came back to the club and enjoyed the Indian dinner that was put on. It was getting late, so we didn’t stay for the presentation, as kids needed to get to bed before school tomorrow.

Do you think you will come back next year for the full Thursday Twilight series?
We are interested in the Twilight series next year. Busy work schedules are likely to be the main thing that would prevent us from being a part of it.

What can we do to encourage you to continue to sail as part of the Thursday Twilights?
I think if we can manage it with our schedules, we would be keen. Thank you for the support in going out as a family, we really enjoyed it.

Congratulations Team McKensey on your first Thursday Twilight sail together as a family. We do hope to see you all out on the water together again soon – what a great way to spend time.