Hello to all RPAYC Sailors,
We trust that yourself and all of your crew, are really looking forward to returning to organised Yacht Racing at the Club again soon; hopefully, this is now only a few short weeks away.
In preparation for the start of the coming season, along with the recent release of the new Sailing Handbook, plus the racing schedule now live in our ‘What’s on eCalender’, the RPAYC Sailing Office is pleased to announce that this season’s online race entries, are now open!
As exciting as this may be, please note, most Skippers will notice a change to how online entries are now submitted. This is because, the RPAYC Sailing Office has now moved the majority of Club racing, away from the TopYacht platform, where instead, the Club will now be utilising the ‘Sydney based’ SailSys platform, for this season’s entries.
For most Skippers, the SailSys platform will become the main focus point for their entries and crew lists, although TopYacht, will remain in place for our Club’s Bluewater and Offshore racing, at least for the time being.
Some savvy Skippers may have noticed that the RPAYC Sailing Office has been working towards a move toward SailSys for some time. Since early trials of the platform were started back in April of this year, Sailsys was then trailed at RPAYC throughout the Lion Island Series and the Winter Series, all prior to the current lock-down.
Encouragingly, other Sydney based Clubs such as CYCA, RSYS and MHYC, as well as some other major regattas throughout Australia, have all been using the SailSys platform, very successfully over the past two and a half years.
We appreciate that SailSys is going to be new for many of you, although with support from the Sailing Office and the SailSys Team, we believe you will find it very user friendly, once you engage and then become accustomed to it.
In short, SailSys will now become the one stop shop for your boat(s), your online entries, your crew address book and of course your all-important race by race crew lists, all staged online, with no mobile phone apps required.
To assist everyone to get started, the Sailing Office has organised a live Zoom Help-Webinar (also to be recorder for future access), presented by the SailSys Team. They will cover the basic processes for entering a race, completing any entry requirements and managing your Crew Register (also known as a crew address book), plus the all-important race by race Crew Lists.
With this notice, we now invite Skippers (and their crew), to register for the SailSys Help Webinar.
Thursday 23rd September, from 6.30pm
I want to register for the SailSys Help-Webinar – Register HERE
Once you’ve watched the webinar, the SailSys Team will be available on standby to assist, plus the RPAYC Sailing Office will also be able to help you through any road-blocks, over the coming weeks as well.
In summary, here is a quick guide to which platform will be used for online entries, for each RPAYC Series this season;
All Inshore (Tuesday/Thursday Twilights, Wednesday’s & Saturday’s)
Estuary and SOPS Series
Pittwater Regatta
Club Marine BWPS and Coastal Series
Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Race
Lastly, for those Skippers that are a little more confident and ready to have a go with SailSys, we encourage you to jump straight in, to;
– make your first online entry,
– begin building your Crew Address book, as well as,
– upload your boat documents such as Insurance or Cat 7
– plus, add as many ‘Boat admin’ users as is required (great for boats with multiple owners or skippers)
All we can hope for now, is the green light to go racing again. In the meantime, the RPAYC Sailing Office is now ready and waiting to receive your first online entry of the new season and you’re welcome to enter, as of today. For convenience, please find some useful direct links below.
Kind Regards,
The RPAYC Sailing Office Team
Nick, Brendan and Andrew
* 2021-2022 Online Race Entries now OPEN – CLICK HERE
* NEW Sailing Handbook – CLICK HERE
* What’s On – Racing Schedule – CLICK HERE