Community Sailing
Welcome to the Alfred's
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Alfreds Community Sailing
What is Alfred’s Community Sailing (ACS)?
The Alfred’s Community Sailing Program is a Club initiative that provides sailing experiences, sail training programs and support to not-for-profit community groups to become involved in the excitement and social benefits, well-being and health benefits that sailing can provide.
RPAYC is fortunate to have world class, modern facilities. These facilities have evolved over 150 years and benefit those who are members today. The Club and its Members wish to continue sharing these facilities and introduce the community to the sport of sailing.
ACS is now firmly embedded as an important part of the Club providing a pathway into sailing and socialness the sport brings.
ACS Objectives:
- To integrate sailors into regular, inclusive for all, club racing events.
- To support Veterans to experience sailing, the well-being and health factors it provides and build on their own sailing and social skills.
- To support frontline workers to experience sailing, the well-being and health factors it provides and build on their own sailing and social skills.
- To support Sailability and its activities in introducing people with disabilities to sailing.
- To support Community Organisations.
- To encourage members and others in the community to provide financial &/or volunteer support via the program.
- To provide support in sail training, Australian Sailing activities in education and development to prepare for and compete in ACS-supported events.
ACS Major Event Supporter
ACS Partners

ACS Friday Sailing Day's
Our Friday Sailing Experience Day’s are the starting point to introduce you to fellow comrades, club members and sailing. These days are held once a month and allow you to do as much or as little as you like on-water, concluding with a great social lunch post sailing.
The day starts at 0900hrs with a welcome and briefing of the mornings activities. Register below to attend our monthly events.

Upcoming Event Dates
How to get involved!
Sailing is an inherent part of our culture that provides exhilaration and freedom for all. Sailing is a sport that enables participants to not only excel in, but to equally sail with fellow comrades, friends and family.
The RPAYC supports our waterway community organisations and organisations supporting our Veterans, Front Line Services and non-for-profit groups from our Community.
How you can get involved in the program:
Get involved as a participant:
- Joining in on one or more of our Programs, Friday Discover Sailing days, Family Sunday picnic days or Sailabilty Sailing.
- Volunteering your time to assist with the programs activities.
- Volunteer for club activities, including race management, social events.
How you can support the program:
- Volunteering your time to assist with the programs activities.
- Participating in club fundraisers.
- Sponsoring the Program or one or more of its activities.
- Donating cash or products to aid the support of the Program.
Fundraising & Donations
Fundraising will be primarily through club events, donations, sponsorships and grants.
RPAYC has been approved for a grant through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) for the Program, which will mean that your donation will be tax deductable.
For More Information
Contact the RPAYC on 9998 3700 to register your interest or email
Sail Training Courses at the Alfred's
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club offers training pathways for kids, teens and adults from the beginner stages through advanced racing. Training is delivered by accredited instructors and coaches, following the ‘Discover Sailing’ and ‘Club Participation Programs’ frameworks. We will provide a safe, fun, and affordable environment for you to try sailing.
Participants and volunteers of Alfred’s Community Sailing are eligible to be supported by the Alfred’s Community Sailing Program to develop skills and experience in the club’s training programs.

When you have a participant turn up, it’s amazing the change from the beginning of the day to the end of the day,” says Tom. “Everyone’s a bit distant, as far away from one another as possible, then they come on board and go sailing together as a team and then afterwards we all sit down together for lunch. That wouldn’t have been possible before. Miraculously, after a couple of hours on the water, everyone is sitting around having lunch talking to each other."
Tom Spithill Sports Competition Manager for Sailing at the Invictus Games Sydney 2018
This is such an exciting program by the RPAYC, unique in Australia. Instead of creating a separate sailing program for people with disabilities, our goal is to integrate sailors with disabilities into the mainstream sailing activities at the club. I know after I came back from the 2012 London Paralympic Games I thought “what now”. This program will create a pathway for people with disabilities to enjoy sailing with everybody else and also have a social outlet. It’s about just being another sailor, not a sailor with a disability. The RPAYC should be applauded for this initiative.”
Dan Fitzgibbon, London Paralympic Gold Medallist
Engaging in the veteran support activities such as sport yacht racing and paintball has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve tried new things and met new people and both have been fundamental to my journey and recovery. "
Phil, Veteran
Organisations we work with
RPAYC is one of the oldest and largest yacht clubs in Australia with a rich history stretching more than 140 years. The Club offers world class facilities including a fabulous clubhouse, floating marina and moorings, gymnasium, disabled facilities, boatyard and travel lift, cranes and hardstands, vessel storage, car parking and onsite maintenance services. In addition, the Club offers a comprehensive year-round racing, cruising and centreboard calendar and training opportunities. We welcome the Community into Club life and the health and well-being sailing can bring.
Emerge & See is an independent & confidential Australian registered charity founded by medically retired NSW Emergency Service Workers. We guide & support all NSW Emergency Service workers (serving and retired) with PTSD and other mental health-related injuries, specifically in the areas of Law, Medicine & Well-being providing free face-to-face and online education activities as well as connection and wellness-based face to face activities across NSW. We help you move from injury to recovery and show you that you can Emerge & See a better future.
For crisis support, call Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 or Lifeline 131114
About Sailability
Sailability is a “not for profit”, volunteer-based organisation which, through the activity of sailing, enriches the lives of people with any type of disability. Sailability operates in numerous countries throughout the world at over 350 local Sailability clubs. The local club is Sailability Pittwater. Their affirmed purpose is to facilitate sailing for everyone, regardless of age or ability with emphasis on opportunities for people with disabilities.’ Visit Pittwater Sailability website here
If you are a sailor with a disability and wish to give sailing a go, then contact Sailability Crystal Bay, secretary Mick O’Dowd via email: or visit
Soldier On’s mission is to enable serving and ex-serving veterans and their families to thrive.
Soldier On staff work side by side with individuals and families, to strengthen resilience and develop meaningful connections with family members, mates, and the local community through a diverse range of health and wellbeing services, employment opportunities, learning and education programs, and participation in community, social, and sporting activities.
Grounded in the principles of Trauma Informed Care, Soldier On’s model of care ensures individuals and family members are at the centre of all our services.
Visit Us at
Volunteers saving lives on the water.
Spending time on the water is part of the Australian way of life.
Marine Rescue NSW is here to help keep you safe.
We support the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families through sport and recreation. Sport has an incredibly positive impact on our physical and mental health. Whether it’s playing, coaching, officiating or socialising as part of an active community, getting involved in sport is a game-changer.
Veteran Sport Australia connects veterans and their families from around the country with sporting opportunities and supports ongoing involvement.
We work with sports, Veteran focused organisations and veteran and community groups to break down barriers to participation and open up new opportunities. Locally, we empower veterans and their families to get active by developing stronger connections in their communities.
Meet our Saltwater Veterans
As a social network of military and emergency services veterans who use sailing to be physically and mentally active, the Saltwater Veterans collective continues to grow in both veteran and non-veteran volunteers.
Everything we do is with the aim to enhance lives, inspire and empower individuals to join our sailing and boating lifestyle.
Fortem Australia supports the mental health and wellbeing of first responders and their families – the people who protect and care for our community.
Welcome to St John of God Richmond Hospital
St John of God Richmond Hospital is a private mental health hospital northwest of Sydney providing comprehensive and holistic mental health care services in a tranquil setting.
We recognise each person is an individual and offer a unique opportunity for recovery in a supportive and caring environment.
Specialists in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, drug and alcohol addictions and older adult mental health we deliver personalised programs to help you live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
Explore Social is a social support program for young adults from a diverse range of abilities to connect, explore and discover in a positive and empowering environment.
NADO is a community-based charity with over 40 years of experience that supports people with disabilities, their families and carers across the Nepean and Blue Mountains Region.
When you connect with NADO new doors will open to friendships, employment, leisure, sport, independence and social opportunities. Our disability provider services include Accommodation, Community and Social Events, KidsZone, Allied Health and Therapy, and Planning and Support services.