Term 4 Sailing Courses & Class Training
Term 4 sail training from Learn to Sail and Class Development is fast approaching.
Register today for:
• OutThere 12-17yrs Pacer Dinghy Sailing – commencing 16 October
• Youth Sportboats Elliott Keelboat Program – commencing 19 October
• Junior Green Fleet – commencing 16 October
• Kids Learn to Sail Tackers 1,2 & 3 – commencing 16 October
Term Time 4, Tackers Program
16 October, 8:30am
The Australian Sailing national program ‘Tackers’ follows a three-stage course program that caters for ages 7-12. Lessons are held on Sundays throughout the school term. Kids can expect to partake in fun sailing-related games and activities, meet new friends, and learn more about sailing a dinghy in a safe environment.
Links to register
OutThere 12-17yrs Pacer Dinghy Sailing
16 October during Term 4 on Sundays from 13:00 – 16:00
The Out There Pacer Sailing program provides the perfect opportunity for teenagers to learn the basics of dinghy sailing and develop fundamental sailing skills. The program will include rigging and launching a boat, sailing terminology, the ‘points of sail’, recovering a capsized boat, and sailing a marked course.
• register
Youth Sportboats Elliott Keelboat Program
19 October during Term 4 on Wednesdays from 16:00 – 19:00
The Youth Sportsboat program is an opportunity for sailors with existing dinghy racing and keelboat sailing experience to understand and develop keelboat handling and racing skills. Training will focus on building core teamwork dynamics and sail trim techniques onboard the RPAYC’s fleet of Elliott 7 keelboats.
• register
Junior Green Fleet
16 October, 08:30 – 11:30am
The RPAYC Junior Green Fleet is an introduction to coaching and learning how to train, following the completion of the ‘Tackers’ learn to sail program. Training is conducted in single-handed Optimist or double-handed Manly Junior dinghies.
The ‘Green Fleet’ sailing level is focused on developing the fundamental skills of sailing, including some foundation racing activities in a fun and safe environment. The program will improve a sailor’s boat
handling techniques, build confidence and independence on the water, and introduce basic racing
knowledge for taking part in further club sailing activities.