What do you need to know about changes in the 2025-28 Racing Rules of Sailing? Well, it depends on which audience you are in. To help address these different needs, Australian Sailing has produced two videos of presentations which explain the changes that competitors and race officials need to know.
- Rule changes for competitors, click here
- Rule changes for race officials, click here
For competitors there are changes relating to sailing the course, mark roundings and obstructions. Sailing the course is fundamental and being on top of the new definition matters. There are more changes that will be of interest to race officials, too many to list here. They range from how race documents are published and what rules they can change, to scoring penalties and protests.
We’d like to thank Nick Hutton, John Standley, Peter Osbourne and Richard Slater for their time and expertise making these important presentations.
Click here for the 2025-28 RRS.
The ‘new rules’ by Howard Elliott is here.