We continue to take this opportunity to introduce the staff on the ground here at the club. This week we are featuring our Sailing Office & Marketing Team who are all currently working from home (hence the zoom ‘team photo’).
Name: Nick Elliott
Time at RPAYC: 4 years in October
Role: Race Director
Brief Role Description: Organising the racing at the RPAYC, developing the club racing program and bringing regattas and events to the club. I work with a fantastic team in the sailing office to be able to deliver a huge racing program from Green Fleet 1st time racers to premier offshore events and everything in between. The sailing program runs 6 or 7 days a week throughout summer which takes a massive commitment from the team alongside our exceptionally dedicated volunteers. We are ready and looking forward to getting back out on the water with everyone in the near future.
Interests: Sailing, Obviously!!!! Paddle boarding, mountain biking: I love being active and outside so the RPAYC and Northern Beaches are perfect for me.
Name: Brendan Rourke
Time at RPAYC: 10 years
Role: Sailing & Communications Manager
Brief Role Description: I have been working in the industry for over 24 years. originally starting at MHYC on Sydney Harbour and currently the last 10years at RPAYC. In this time I have implemented a number of major regatta’s for the club, race management systems, publications, sponsors, sail training structures, vessel acquisitions, and more recently the development of the Alfred’s Community Sailing Program, launch and maintenance of a number of website’s and social media platforms.
Over the year’s I have had the pleasure of seeing and using new technologies to improve sailing in all aspects from competitors & cruising, viewers and management. The Alfreds is a great Club to work with in this aspect of always seeking improvement and maximising efficiently and success across all of its deliveries.
In my role I cover the activities of Yacht Race, Centreboard, Cruising, Sail Training, Alfred’s Community Sailing, Communications, Sponsorship and club resources.
Though COVID has not seen the team in the office or club grounds, the work continues to provide up to date communications, news articles, seminars, training and preparation for the new sailing season.
Interests: Water sports, Formula 1, new technologies, marketing insights
Name: Katie Pellew
Time at RPAYC: 6 yrs permanent / 24 yrs casual
Role: Marketing & Communications
Brief Role Description: I have been working with the Club on and off for approx 24 years. I started in sail training both instructing and coaching, then onto waterfront and food & beverage before finally taking a permanent role in the office. Originally in the office as Assistant Sailing Manager, I am now part time in Marketing & Communications where I assist with everything including event promotion, social media, regatta reports, website, mail outs & club resources.
Interests: Sailing in any form, spending time on the water with my family, road & trail running, anything outdoors and active!
Name: Andrew Phillips
Time at RPAYC: 2 yrs 6 months
Role: Yachting and Training Co-ordinator
Brief Role Description: Administration for the Sailing Office including; Race Documentation, Race Results, Safety Audits, Volunteers, on Water Race Management; Assistance with admin for the Training Department for enquiries and bookings.
Interests: Food & Wine, Travel, Gardening and Walking
Name: Niall Powers
Time at RPAYC: 1 year & 2 months
Role: Senior Head Instructor
Brief Role Description: Oversee all training and sailing development activities at RPAYC ranging from Learn to Sail through to our Development Squad.
Interests: Sailing & racing! Cruising Pittwater & Broken Bay, paddle boarding and watching F1!
Name: Millie Stevenson
Time at RPAYC: (just over) 2 years 😉
Role: Sail Training & Centreboard Administrator
Brief Role Description: Working closely with the Senior Head Instructor to provide Learn to Sail activities both to the club and community & managing bookings and enquiries to engage people in sailing and develop a love for the sport! Liaising with the Centreboard Committee to administer all things related to Centreboard training and racing.
Interests: Surfing, Skating, Music, Cooking & trips away in my van! I’ve recently started to learn to sail and windsurf and am so hooked!!