Dear Members
I hope that you are well and coping with the extended COVID-19 lockdown period.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club is still scheduled to take place on Thursday 22 July 2021.
The lockdown period has impacted on our initial proposed ballot timetable. With the Clubhouse closed to members and ‘stay at home orders’ in place our ability to adhere to the published timetable has become impossible at this time.
Given that we are unable to allow electronic voting and there is no alternative method of casting a vote or conducting an AGM under the rules of the Club’s Constitution, we are reliant on the lockdown period being lifted to provide the required minimum number of days that the ballot must be open. Further, restrictions will need to be lifted to allow members to gather for a meeting.
So, as I stated above, our plan at this stage is to proceed with the AGM on Thursday 22 July 2021, however should that not be possible and the meeting is required to be rescheduled I will advise of any revised details at a later date.
Our proposed Ballot Timetable for an AGM to be held on Thursday 22 July is as follows: –
- Saturday 17 July – 9.30am to 5.30pm
- Sunday 18 July – 9.30am to 4.00pm
- Tuesday 20 July – 9.30am to 6.00pm
- Wednesday 21 July – 9.30am to 6.00pm
- Thursday 22 July – 9.30am to 6.00pm
Votes may be lodged in person at the club reception during those times.
Under the current restrictions the Clubhouse will reopen on Saturday 17 July 2021
All RPAYC organised sailing and training events are cancelled during the period of lockdown, however vessels are accessible for maintenance purposes and can be used for exercise provided that the rules of NSW Health are adhered to.
RPAYC Reception is physically closed to members, however remains staffed daily between 8am and 4pm for phone and email enquiries. Phone 02 9998 3700 and email reception@rpayc.com.au
The Club’s tender service operates daily from 8am – 4pm. Please contact reception to book a tender on 02 9998 3700. Passenger numbers are limited to a maximum of two. Please wear a mask when using the tender service.
Takeaway food remains available from Halyards between 9am and 3pm. Please access the ‘Grab and Go’ area via the gate at southern end of the Clubhouse (near ‘A’ Arm). The chefs have a range of take-home meals available and we also have our usual takeaway meals listed on the whiteboard at the takeaway window. Please ensure you use the QR code at the takeaway window to sign-in.
Waterfront staff are on hand to check vessels. Should you have any concerns about your boat please do not hesitate to contact reception.
Our Boatyard remains open and continues operation as normal.
The Gym is closed; however, please contact Tana on 0478 034 659 if you would like to discuss training, including PT and Zoom sessions.
As I am sure that you can appreciate Public Health Orders are being updated regularly and the above information is subject to change. Please refer to the NSW Government website for current information https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules
Please look after yourself and those around you.
Kind regards,
Craig Evans
General Manager