Dear Members
I hope that you are keeping safe and well.
12 Mitala Street Newport
Earlier today in an email to members Commodore Allen Stormon announced that RPAYC has acquired a neighbouring property. Please find that exciting announcement here.
With COVID restrictions easing it is proposed that our AGM will be held on Wednesday 17 November 2021. Please save this date. More information will be provided in the near future.
House Entitlement
At the September Board Meeting, it was agreed that the October House Entitlement charge would be waived due to the current lockdown. The charge will not be included on your upcoming October statement.
RPAYC Clubhouse to reopen – likely to be Monday 11 October 2021
With double vaccination rates in NSW nearing the 70% target it will not be long before we can once again open the Clubhouse doors to members and guests. At this stage all indications point to a potential reopen date of Monday 11 October 2021. Public Health Orders will once again prescribe rules on permitted activity including the numbers of people allowed within the club, the wearing of masks, social distancing (4m2 inside areas and 2m2 in outside F&B areas), stand-up drinking only permitted outside and the like. However, current restrictions mean that this reopening will also initially limit access into the Clubhouse to only those that have been double vaccinated or have a medical exemption. This requirement will gradually reduce as further vaccination milestones are reached.
On our initial reopening members and guests will be required to provide proof of double vaccination or medical exemption to gain entry and ensure that the Club is complying with the requirements of NSW Health. At this stage Service NSW does not have a vaccination passport combined with the QR Code check-in system, so signing into the Club is going to be cumbersome, particularly as government still requires members and guests to also sign-in to comply with the Registered Clubs Act. Please be patient and understand that our staff will be there to assist with this process while we all try to navigate through this period together.
Details on NSW Government’s “Roadmap to recovery” can be found here.
We will provide further details before Monday 11 October on the reopening of the Clubhouse, our Food & Beverage hours and also access to the Sailfit Gym.
At this stage organised sailing and training is still not permitted. We understand that this will change when the 80% double vaccination rate is reached and it is announced that community sport is permitted. Restrictions are likely to apply when organised sailing resumes and we are yet to learn what those restrictions may be. Our sailing office is keen to get back into sailing and training as soon as we can and in whatever form is allowed.
Yesterday Public Health Orders were updated to allow five people on a recreational vessel, provided that they are all fully vaccinated and that there is room for one person per four square metres (unless from the same household). If those requirements cannot be met, the two-person rule continues to apply. LGA rules remain in force at this stage. For more details, please check here.
Maintaining and servicing your vessel – The following activities are considered reasonable excuses to leave your home to ensure the safety of a vessel or undertaking a legal obligation and are not limited to your LGA:
- Access a vessel at a marina or on a mooring to maintain, service or check on systems and make sure it is safe and compliant (as a legal obligation)
- Take a vessel to a marina or boat shed for repairs or servicing
- Pick up vessel from a marina or boat shed after servicing
- Move a vessel between marinas or moorings for relocation purposes.
From Friday 10 September 2021, the Minister for Health and Medical Research has granted an exemption to boat owners in Greater Sydney (excepting those from LGAs of concern) to be away from their residence to travel to a marina or mooring where their vessel is moored to undertake work on their vessel to ensure it is maintained in a sea-worthy condition. This includes taking a voyage under the vessel’s own power or sail. This exemption is conditional on:
- The exempt person must travel to and from the marina or mooring by the most practical direct route.
- The exempt person must take reasonably practicable steps to remain 1.5 metres away from any other person during the outing and while at the mooring or marina.
- A mask must be worn during the trip.
You must follow physical distancing and gathering rules at all times during any of the above activities.
Whilst the COVID-19 restrictions continue to evolve, it is important to apply common sense and act responsibly.
Exercising is definitely not an opportunity for social gathering and socialising under the current restrictions.
Sailors and shore support crew have a responsibility to look after each other and also not bring the Club into disrepute with activity that could be misinterpreted by the community as organised sailing events or competition.
There also appears to be a decline in the wearing of face masks in some settings on club grounds. The wearing of masks is still a requirement. Please put them on to protect yourself and those around you.
NSW Public Health Orders require all visitors on club grounds and the marina to sign in using the QR code. This Order applies to all staff, tenants, members and visitors. QR codes are located at the entry to each marina arm, the boatyard, Jack Gale Centre and other convenient locations around the site.
RPAYC Reception is physically closed to members, however remains staffed daily between 8am and 4pm for phone and email enquiries. Phone 02 9998 3700 and email reception@rpayc.com.au
The club’s tender service operates daily from 8am to 4pm. Please contact reception to book a tender (02 9998 3700). Passenger numbers are limited to a maximum of two and masks must be worn while using the tender service.
Takeaway food remains available from Halyards between 9am and 3pm. Please access the ‘Grab & Go’ area via the gate at the southern end of the clubhouse (near ‘A’ Arm). Please ensure you use the QR code at the takeaway window to sign-in.
Sailfit Gym is currently closed; however, we hope to be able to open shortly in a limited capacity as restrictions are eased. In the meantime, please contact Tana on 0478 034 659 if you would like to discuss training, including PT and Zoom sessions.
As I am sure that you can appreciate, Public Health Orders are being updated regularly and the above information is subject to change. Please refer to the NSW Government website for current information.
Now more than ever, please look after yourself and those around you.
Kind regards,
Craig Evans
General Manager