From the Managers Desk

Update to members on Club operations;

Firstly I would like to thank members for their patience over the last few months. Unfortunately, like many organisations, RPAYC has been impacted by the nationwide skills shortage and is finding it difficult to fill vacant positions.
In the Boatyard we have a number of vacant positions which has greatly reduced our throughput of work. The knock-on effect has required a significant amount of rescheduling and greatly extended the lead time for bookings. Whilst members are being given priority we are cognisant of the impact this has had on members. The Club is actively advertising to fill these roles and is reinvesting funds, from the organisational restructure, back into the boatyard roles to attract and retain skilled workers.

The hospitality department has also been impacted and we are currently looking to fill two Chef positions in the kitchen. Due to this shortage in the kitchen we are concentrating our roster around Club events such as Twilight Sailing, Wednesday & weekend racing, Club social events and functions which had been prebooked with the Club. Currently Halyards kitchen has a restricted menu on Monday, Tuesday of salad rolls and toasties and is closed on Saturday & Sunday evenings.
Once the positions in the kitchen have been filled we shall advise members and resume to normal opening hours.
Thanks again to the members for your patience and understanding.

Nigel Gibson
General Manager