Crystal Bay Crane Replacement / Access Changes (Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd June)
After 30 years in service the Crystal Bay Hardstand crane is being replaced. The crane has been very reliable, minimal down time however is starting to show signs of wear and tear, therefore the Club has organised to replace the crane to ensure we continue to provide first class facilities for Members.
Works will be underway early Monday morning and it is anticipated the crane will be operational by close of business Wednesday. The Club will provide berths to Crystal Bay Hardstand facility holders who intend to sail between Monday to Wednesday next week. Berths can be arranged via waterfront@rpayc.com.au
To mitigate risk, during works there will intermittent vehicle and pedestrian access to the eastern side of the hardstand. We ask Members accessing the Club/Crystal Bay carpark via the hardstand to take care, and to follow the directions of safety representatives and staff as directed.