Youth Development
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Submit your expression of interest for 2025 YD & IYD
Youth Development Squad Programs
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s Youth Development Program was pioneered in 1993 to help develop and enhance young athlete’s sailing skills, as well as providing a pathway for youth sailors between 13-25 years old in Club, National and International events.
The club’s commitment to youth sail training has seen graduates move into competitive classes and racing events such as the World Match Racing Tour, Olympic Games, around the world Ocean Racing, America’s Cup, Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, and various professional sailing circuits. The program has also created career opportunities for graduates into the sailing and marine industry, including in boat building, sail making, electrical and mechanical engineering, and as shore crew for international sailing teams.
RPAYC has two Youth training squads, the Intermediate Youth Development program and the senior Youth Development racing squad. Both squads train onboard the RPAYC’s fleet of Elliott 7 keelboats, under the guidance of the club coaching staff.
Expressions of Interest for the 2025 Youth Development squads have now opened.

Intermediate Youth Development
2025 Squad Program
The IYD squad program is open to youth members, aged between 13 and 18, who can demonstrate existing dinghy or keelboat sailing skills and experience fleet racing. The program will introduce the dynamics of sailing a keelboat to sailors, including boat handling and sailing with symmetrical and asymmetrical spinnakers.
The Intermediate Youth Development Squad Program consists of on water training sessions and regatta experience. The program focuses on building core teamwork dynamics and advanced sail trim techniques. Athletes will focus on refining their skillsets in the following areas:
- Understand and develop advanced keelboat boat handling skills, including the dynamics of both asymmetrical and symmetrical spinnakers.
- Fleet race training and regatta sailing experience.
- Developing a deeper understanding and knowledge base of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
- Implementing changes from dinghy fleet racing tactics to keelboat racing.
- Execution of better teamwork dynamics.
- Brief introduction into match racing.
- Gain regatta experience at the One-Design & Interclub events.
The IYD program runs from April through to July. The program commences with a two-day school holiday training program in April, and continues with on-water training sessions on Saturdays from May to July. Sailors may be selected to compete in one-design fleet racing regattas throughout the program, on Sundays or full weekends.
Interested candidates shall complete an Expression of Interest no later than 14 March 2025 to be considered for the program. Successful candidates will be offered an application prior to the commencement of the program.
Youth Development
2025 Squad Program
The Youth Development Squad (YD) is an advanced keelboat squad training program, for youth members aged between 16-25. The program commences in May 2025 and involves both on & off water training sessions. Sailors will have the opportunity to represent Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club at selected club and state regattas, and gain selection to National and International Championships.
The program continues on from the foundation keelboat training in the Intermediate Youth Development program and focuses on building core teamwork dynamics and advanced sail trim techniques in fleet racing and match racing. Participants will focus on refining their skills in the following areas:
- Understand and develop advanced keelboat boat handling skills including the dynamics of both asymmetrical and symmetrical spinnakers.
- Develop a deeper understanding and knowledge base of the Racing Rules of Sailing and learning the changes to the 2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing.
- Implement changes from dinghy fleet racing tactics to keelboat racing.
- Execution of better teamwork dynamics.
- Develop a deeper knowledge base of match racing rules and tactics.
- Maintenance and preparation of keelboats.
- Regatta experience at the One-Design & Sports Boat Regattas & Interclub events and represent the Club & Australia at National & International events.
- Introduction to larger keelboat sailing with RPAYC club members in club events & regattas.
Youth Development on-water squad training, and Fitness Training, will take place from May to September 2025. Athletes will train with their regatta teams in the pre-regatta training periods in October & November 2025, and January & February 2026.
Interested candidates shall complete an Expression of Interest before 14 March 2025 to be considered for the program. Successful candidates will be offered an application before the commencement of the program.
Program Information & Application
Expressions of interest for 2025 are now open.
- YD Squad Coach Rob Brewer
- IYD Squad Coach D’Arcy Kemp
Regattas & Championships
RPAYC hosts a number of fleet & match racing regattas throughout the year for Youth Development teams. Please click on the links below for further information.
Rob Brewer
Head Coach
Phone: 02 9998 3700 (RPAYC Sailing Office)
Adam Hellyer
Sail Training & Centreboard Admin
Phone: 02 9998 3700 (RPAYC Sailing Office)
Andrew Phillips
Yachting & Training Co-ordinator
Phone: 02 9998 3700 (RPAYC Sailing Office)
Course Outline Details(Intermediate Youth Development)
The Program:
The Intermediate Youth Development Program consists of 14 sessions involving both on & off water training and regatta experience. The program focuses on building core team work dynamics and advanced sail trim techniques. Athletes will focus on refining their skillsets in the following areas:
- Understand and developing advanced keelboat boat handling skills including the dynamics of both asymmetrical and symmetrical spinnakers
- Developing a deeper understanding and knowledge base of the Racing Rules of Sailing
- Implementing changes from dinghy fleet racing tactics to keelboat racing
- Execution of better teamwork dynamics
- Brief introduction into match racing
- Gain regatta experience at the One-Design & Interclub events
- Gain experience of sailing keelboats via crewing on members boats in club racing
3-4 October David Lukins Memorial Match Racing Regatta (RPAYC)
The program will be run over 5 training days from 0900 to 1600. Each day will comprise of up to 3 theory sessions and 2 on water sessions.
Six fleet racing regattas are scheduled over the duration of the program, with regattas staged at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club. A carpool service will be organized for an away event. Due to there being only two teams allocated for each club at the interclub regatta, this will mean only 10 of the IYD squad will be able to sail on the day. Each participant will do at least 1 interclub regatta.
For the RPAYC’s one design & sports boat regatta, the entire squad will compete in these events. One team will be selected within the squad to sail in the David Lukins Match Racing Regatta.
Applications for 2020 are now open. Interested applicants are asked to complete the following online expression of interest form.
Where to next:
Sailors who demonstrate a high level of keelboat skills may be invited to join the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s Youth Development program for the remaining 2020 season and 2021 season.
Course Outline Details(Youth Development)
The Program:
The Youth Development Program consists of on & off water training and regatta experience. The program focuses on building core team work dynamics and advanced sail trim techniques. Athletes will focus on refining their skillsets in the following areas:
- Understand and developing advanced keelboat boat handling skills including the dynamics of both asymmetrical and symmetrical spinnakers
- Developing a deeper understanding and knowledge base of the Racing Rules of Sailing & Match Racing Rules
- Development & Execution of teamwork dynamics
- Match Racing techniques
- Gain regatta experience at the One-Design & Interclub events both Fleet racing and Match racing
- Gain experience of sailing keelboats via crewing on members boats in club racing & regattas
- 3 July – January 2021 Gym & Training sessions
13-14 July “Mick Hole” One-Design & Sports Boat Winter Regatta
3-4 Ocotber David Lukins Memorial Match Racing Regatta
Harken Int. Youth Match Racing Regatta (qualification), RPAYC
- Gingernut Cup, RPAYC
- Australian Womens Match Racing Regatta (qualification), RPAYC
- NSW Match Racing Championship (qualification), CYCA
- Hardy Cup (qualification), RSYS
- Australian Youth Match Racing Championship (qualification), CYCA
- Harken Int Youth Match Racing Championship (qualification), RNZYS
- Centreport Int Youth Match Racing Championship (qualification), RPNYC
Applications for 2020-21 are now open. Interested applicants are asked to complete the following expression of interest form