Private Training Sessions-FAQ

What RPAYC Vessels are available for use during Private Sessions?

The RPAYC has a large number of vessels which may be available for Private Sessions.  For more information on each class of boat, please click on the following links.

Can I sail my own Vessel?

Yes, of course.  When completing the ‘Enquiry Form’, please specify the class of boat/yacht that you would like to train on, so that the Sailing Office can ensure that a suitable, class-specific, instructor can be partnered up with you.

How long do the sessions last?
Each session will go for 3 hours (min 2hrs).  It is possible to run shorter sessions, although we may not be able to discount the price.

How much will each session cost?
Each session is priced per vessel type per hour.  This amount will be charged to the Member House Account on the day of the session.  

Can I split the cost with other participants?
Yes, other participants can participate in the program in order to alleviate the cost.  However, the whole session fee will be charged to only one allocated members account.  It will be up to the participants to fairly divide the costs.

What is the maximum number of participants per session?
This will be determined on a case by case basis.  However, as a rough guide, the maximum number will be around 5-6.  If you are over this number, the RPAYC can provide a second instructor for an additional $200 per session.  Yes, sessions can be postponed or canceled by both the Sailing Office and the participant.  Ample warning must be provided to the Sailing Office, any cancelleations on the day of training will result in a 50% loss of the fees.  

Do I pay the coach/instructor directly?
No, payment is done through Member House Accounts and RPAYC Coaches are payed through the Yacht Club.

I am a Non-Member, can I organise a session?
No, the Private Sessions are a benefit provided only to current financial RPAYC Members. 

Can I request a specific Coach?
Yes.  If the Coach you request is one of our regular RPAYC Coaches. If you have done a session before, we encourage you to request the coach that you last worked with.

Can I complete one of the Australian Sailing Programs through Private Sessions in my own time?
Yes.  The RPAYC is a Discover Sailing Centre and is qualified to run the Yachting Australia Programs.  You can select the program you wish to complete and let the Sailing Office know in the ‘Enquiry Form’.  If this is the case, you may need to additionally purchase the textbook and log book that acomponies the program (do this through the Sailing Office).  Certificates will only be issued upon completion of the entire syllabus.

When can I organise a session?c

You can organise a session for any time.  However, please be aware that The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has an extensive Sail Training Program, and scheduling a suitable spot may be a challenge.




