Rear Commodore, Membership Robert Alpe, hosted all Club Members and guests at The BASIN Club Picnic day on Sunday 28th July.
The picnic day usually starts with a casual sailing race but the blustery weather put paid to that idea and those in attendance sailed or motored onto The Basin.

The Basin, operated by NSW National Parks and Wildlife is a popular, sheltered camping and picnic area with great facilities and home to many free roaming wallabies and, cheeky kookaburras on the lookout for unguarded picnic food.
The day began with a welcome by Robert on behalf of RPAYC and an announcement that in keeping with the Paris Olympics theme that we would be holding our own RPAYC BASIN Silly Olympics.
Teams were formed and names chosen, comprising the Dry July team, Sausage party, Mini Bobs, Foredeck, Handy and the Robbos.
Whist it might have been called the Silly Olympics the (usual) competitive spirit was clearly evident in the Bean Bag Throw, Balloon race and the final event of the day, Tug of War.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze award recipients and some of the highlights of the day were captured.
Many thanks to the Alfreds 1, the Merringtons and Robertson’s, Chevy in the rib and all the families and friends who joined us for a great day out.