Cheers to our Volunteers!

Speech from Robert McClelland, Commodore

Tonight (Friday 28 June) , we gather to celebrate a truly remarkable group of individuals – our volunteers. It is often said that a club is only as strong as the dedication and passion of its members, and at RPAYC, we are incredibly fortunate to have over 200 members who exemplify this spirit through their volunteer efforts.

Our club’s success and vibrant community are deeply rooted in the contributions of our volunteers. From the Board, Commodore, and Rear Commodores to the diligent teams managing race operations, auditing, and safety checks, every role is essential in keeping our club running smoothly. Each volunteer brings a unique set of skills and a generous heart, working together to create the exceptional environment we all cherish.

The depth and diversity of our volunteer base are truly extraordinary. Our Centreboard parents play a crucial role, in nurturing the next generation of sailors with enthusiasm and dedication. The Community Sailing team extends our love for sailing beyond our immediate members, engaging with the broader community and fostering a spirit of inclusiveness and camaraderie. Our Heritage volunteers ensure that the rich history and traditions of RPAYC are preserved and celebrated, linking the past with the present and future of our club.

The Maintenance and Development volunteers deserve special mention for their tireless work in keeping our facilities in top condition. Their efforts behind the scenes ensure that our club remains a premier venue for sailing and social activities. It’s easy to overlook the importance of maintenance until something goes wrong, but thanks to their dedication, we rarely have to worry.

Tonight, we also celebrate an individual whose contributions have significantly shaped our off-water experiences at RPAYC. Our Volunteer of the Year, Rear Commodore Activities Kirsty Hunter, has been instrumental in organizing and managing all off-water functions at the club. Kirsty’s energy, creativity, and meticulous planning have enriched our social calendar, ensuring that every event is a memorable one. From casual gatherings to formal functions, Kirsty’s touch has been felt in every detail, and her efforts have brought joy and connection to countless members.

Kirsty, your leadership and dedication have not only enhanced our club’s social life but have also set a standard for volunteer excellence. Your ability to coordinate, innovate, and execute with such finesse is truly inspiring. On behalf of the entire RPAYC community, thank you for your outstanding contributions and for making our club a more vibrant and engaging place.

As we look around tonight, let us remember that it is the collective efforts of each volunteer that create the heart and soul of RPAYC. Your time, energy, and passion are the foundation upon which our club stands. Each of you plays a vital part in our success, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.

In conclusion, let us raise a toast to all our volunteers – to those who give their time quietly behind the scenes and to those whose efforts are more visible. Each of you makes a difference. Here’s to the spirit of volunteerism, to the bonds we share, and to many more years of sailing, community, and friendship at RPAYC. Thank you, and enjoy the evening!

Robert McClelland, Commodore