Key details for Autumn yacht racing events and updates to crew management
Wednesday Autumn Series – commences Wednesday 3rd May
The next round of Wednesday racing, gets underway shortly. Entries are now open and available, via the online system with SailSys.
Selden for Sailing Lion Island Autumn Series – commences Saturday 6th May
The most popular RPAYC Series returns this Autumn, where a large fleet of mixed keelboats is expected.
Entries are open and available, via the online system with SailSys.
Pantaenius ‘Kings Cup’ Charity Pursuit Race – Saturday 10th June (Long Weekend)
The newest addition to the RPAYC race calendar, scheduled over the June Long Weekend, is to raise important funds for charity. Look out for more details in the coming weeks. Early entries are now open and available, via the online system with SailSys.
2023 Mick Hole Winter One Design and Sports Boat Regatta – Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd July
The traditional Winter Regatta honouring RPAYC Member Mick Hole, returns in July, notably scheduled over one complete weekend, plus, outside of the NSW School Holiday period. Entries are now open and available, via the online system with SailSys.
For more SailPass information, visit the RPAYC website.

Online Race Entry
Online Race Entry is now open and available, via the SailSys platform.
Each boat will need to submit a separate race entry, for each series that is to be entered. For each race a crew list is required.

Crew Register and Crew Lists Reminder
As a reminder, each boat is required to maintain a Crew Register in the SailSys platform. Further to this, Crew Lists will also be required to be submitted, via the SailSys platform, for each and every race.
SailSys provides easy to follow Help Guides for Crew Management.
QR Code to Add Crew to Your Boat Crew List each Race
Each boat registered in Sailsys now has a unique QR Code assigned to them. Have your crew scan the code before racing (on race day) to be added to the boats crew list for the day. Download your QR Code in your Boats Profile or display it to the crew when on board to scan.

SailPass – For all non RPAYC Crew Members
Do you have Crew on your boat that are not Members of RPAYC?
All Non-Members are still required to register themselves for a SailPass, which is a Temporary Membership of Australian Sailing, via RPAYC. As of 1st August 2023, a $10.00 registration fee will apply use CREW100 to continue to receive the discounted registration fee.