AGM welcomes our New Commodore and congratulates our latest 50yr Member

The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday evening with a strong attendance from members voting in a new Commodore and voting on the proposed Special Resolutions. 

Congratulations to our new Commodore, Robert McClelland and Vice Commodore Julia Hornsby 👏 and welcome to our new Rear Commodore Yacht Racing – Peter Farrugia.

Congratulations to Robert Alpe on being elected for his second term as Rear Commodore Membership. 
Rear Commodore Activities Kirsty Hunter, Rear Commodore Cruising, David Williams and Rear Commodore Centreboard, Mat Butterworth, will be continuing in their voluntary roles.

Vice Commodore - Julia Hornsby
Rear Commodore - Yacht Racing - Peter Farrugia
Life Member - Robert Cole

We also elected Robert Cole as a Life Member of the Club.

The Commodore had the great pleasure of inducting Robert Cole as a Life member of the club at this years AGM. 
A Senior member, Robert has been an active and committed club member for 48 years. During that time, he has competitively sailed at club level, represented the club at major races and regattas, such as Rolex Sydney Hobart and Pittwater to Coffs Harbour, and given his time and expertise as a member of the RPAYC Race Management Team.  Robert has taken a leadership role on many major projects, including the Sesquicentenary History Wall, the Admirals Cup Trophy replica, the Olympic Display, soon to be unveiled and the display table located in the foyer, designed to showcase and protect the club’s most significant flags. Robert has previously also been awarded both the Volunteer of the Year and The Clubmanship Trophy.

We recognised our 50 Year Members – Gary Fennen, Hugh Weir & Neville Wells.

The Commodore presented the Clubmanship Trophy to Leon Wilson.

These not only include direct Member activities but also services to the Club in developing the physical and human capital of the Club.  

The Clubmanship Trophy recognises the efforts of Members who have, over a period of many years, made a significant contribution to the Club across a range of activities. Desirably these not only include direct Member activities but also services to the Club in developing the physical and human capital of the Club. 
This year’s recipient has been actively involved in the club since joining, participating in numerous club activities, and as a volunteer working behind the scenes, supporting his fellow members
Beginning his volunteering in 2010 he has held roles on the Cruising Committee, Risk Committee, M&D Committee, Centreboard Committee, and as a Rear Commodore and as a Director on the Board. 
A staunch supporter of the Alfreds Community Sailing program, always willing to loan his boat to assist. 
His dedication to helping his fellow members is much appreciated.
Commodore Allen Stormon had much pleasure in presenting the trophy, to this year’s winner – Leon Wilson.

Constituation Changes

Special Resolution 1 amending the definition of a “Family” was passed. Special Resolutions 2 & 3 were not put to the members due to an error in the wording of Resolution 2.
