The 2024 AGM was held on Thursday 25 July. Commodore, Robert McClelland welcomed members and ran an informative evening for members. Updates on the year past as well as events and developments at the club for members to look forward to. The room acknowledges the latest 50-year club members, thanking them for their years of service and hearing their stories as new members to the current day.
Scott Robertson presented the 2023/24 Financial Report which sees the club in a healthy position.
Election results of Directors and Rear Commodores were announced which sees some new faces joining these positions within the club.
The evening concluded with the announcement of the Clubmanship Awardee for 2023-24 selected and presented by the Commodore.

50 Year Members
Celebrating 50 years of membership.
- Roger Gray
- Richard Hudson
- Peter Kennett
- John Lanser
- John Scott
- Bruce Staples
- John Cameron
- Frederic Murray-Walker
- Phillip Smidmore
- John Bryant
- Ian Dreverman

Clubmanship Trophy
The Clubmanship Trophy recognises the efforts of Members who have, over a period of many years, made a significant contribution to the Club across a range of activities. Desirably these not only include direct Member activities but also services to the Club in developing the physical and human capital f the Club.
Selected and awarded by the Commodore.
2024 awarded to Phil Burgess.
Elected Officers:
Board of Directors:
- Director (3yrs) – Martin Cross
- Director (3yrs) – John Turnbull
- Director (1yr) – John Bacon
Rear Commodores:
- Activities (2yrs) – Verity Powers
- Cruising (2yrs) – Greg Dunstan
- Centreboard (2yrs) – Mark Dorling