Peak Period Berth & Mooring Absences
Peak Period Berth & Mooring Absences
The Club asks berth and mooring facility holders to let us know if your taking your vessel away from the Marina or Club moorings for 3 or more nights from now until the end of January. This will enable us to meet the increasing demand from Members and visitors for the holiday period. To notify us of your temporary absence Tel: (02) 9998 3700 or email (via email, please include your berth, vessel name, departure and return date).
Casual Vacancy Credits
In the event your berth or mooring is vacant for more than 7 nights and where we are able to sublet to a casual paid occupant, you will be entitled to a ‘casual vacancy credit’ against the monthly facility fee equal to 50% of income paid to the Club to the value of the monthly fee.
If you are able to refer to us a suitable berth or mooring occupant for 7 or more nights, you will be entitled to a 100% rebate of the income paid to the Club to the value of the monthly fee. Worried about your lines or berth fixtures? We can assist you to put together a ‘Casual Vacancy Plan’ which outlines the lines at your berth and any specific requirements to enable you safely berth on return to the Club.
This casual vacancy plan will be used by the Club staff to monitor your berth in your absence and your berth will be checked before your return to ensure that your lines are in place.