We continue to take this opportunity to introduce the staff on the ground here at the club. This week we welcome two new staff to the team who complete our reception team. We welcome Frederique Van Tulden (left) & Sarah Pritchard (right).
Frederique (Freddy) is currently studying communications and film production at the University of Technology Sydney. You will often find her at the beach or out on Pittwater in her spare time, she hopes to be out sailing soon too. She has loved meeting all of the members so far and is settling well into the club.
Sarah has been working in the Hospitality industry and more recently in short term administration roles for social media & marketing. She is studying secondary education at Sydney University. Whilst she isn’t a sailor as yet, she is always up for a challenge and is enjoying learning all of the terminology that comes with the boating industry. In her spare time she can be found free diving off Fairy Bower in Manly.
Please feel free to stop by and have a chat to them both and make them feel welcomed to the club.