NSW Optimist States - Notice to Competitors

Good Morning Sailors,
The 2021 NSW Championship is upon us- please find the Sailing Instructions HERE .
As many of you have observed the weather gods are conspiring to make things difficult for the organisers to provide a fun and enjoyable event. Please be confident that we are closely monitoring both forecasts and actual observed whether at the venue. With some relief the forecast for tomorrow was downgraded in this morning’s Sydney Closed Waters forecast with the forecast now for 15-25kts tomorrow. It will still likely be very wet, fortunately sailing is a wet sport.

What does this mean for racing?
Green Fleet: Based on the best information we have this morning, it is unlikely that Green Fleet will get to race on Saturday. However, racing isn’t the primary objective of Green Fleet, so the wonderful Coaches at RPAYC have a program of other related activities prepared to ensure our Greenies still have some fun and (hopefully) learn a little something. If conditions permit this may involve time on water in small groups where safety and reassurance can be more closely provided.

Intermediate Fleet:

The expected conditions on Pittwater tomorrow are likely to be borderline for Intermediate Fleet to race. We will not be able to may a decision for Intermediate until we assess the actual conditions at Pittwater tomorrow. We understand that there are many Intermediate sailors who have recently transitioned from Green Fleet and we urge parents of these sailors to err on the side of caution if a decision is made to conduct racing for Intermediate.

Given the above, if Green and Intermediate families would prefer not to brave the weather and leave it until Sunday we will open registration on Sunday morning for those sailors. Can we just request that if you are planning to not come on Saturday but are intending to come on Sunday that you e-mail: jeremey@optinsw.org.au with the subject line as “Subject: Late Registration- sailors name”.

Open Fleet:

Based on current information Open Fleet should get to race on both days. Sailors should come prepared for the expected challenging conditions.
I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at registration and for some great racing over the weekend.

Kind Regards,