Pittwater Rendezvous for Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club Recap

RPAYC were privileged to host the first ever Sydney Rendezvous for the Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club members (or Shaggers as they are known). The rendezvous commenced with a “First Friday” dinner with guests of honor Ken and Rhonda Thackeray (the founders of SICYC), the current head of SICYC Steve Hartley and Peter Halen from the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. This was followed by a cruise to Bobbin Head and a fundraising BBQ on Sunday at Bobbin Head. We raised more than $1800 for Prostate Cancer.

A big thanks to Leon Wilson to not only initiating and organizing the event but also to host the cruise after the BBQ for those who hung around.

You can see more photos from the weekend on the club website HERE.